Issued: 30 January 2025
Last modified: 31 January 2025
Breach reporting obligations commenced on 1 July 2024. This requires a registered tax practitioner to report to us if they or another registered tax practitioner has breached the Code of Professional Conduct (Code) and the breach is a significant breach. Where applicable, reporting tax practitioners must also notify the recognised professional association(s) (RPA) of which the tax practitioner being reported is a member of. They must notify us within 30 days of the day on which they know, or ought to have known, that a significant Code breach occurred.
Facts and myths
The table below sets out some facts and myths regarding breach reporting obligations.
Myths | Facts | ||
| Should report unregistered preparers providing tax agent or BAS services under this obligation. | ![]()
| Must report significant Code breaches resulting from own conduct or that of another registered tax practitioner. (Note: To report about unregistered preparers, use our complaints form.) |
| You can report based on hearsay or others’ opinions and do not need to substantiate your claim. | ![]()
| You must have ‘reasonable’ grounds to believe a significant breach has occurred. This means you must have a solid foundation or factual basis for your belief, and not make frivolous, vexatious or malicious claims. You do not need to have conclusive proof but should be able to appropriately substantiate your claim. |
| You must be on the look out and report all Code breaches. | ![]()
| You need to report only those Code breaches to us that are significant. You also do not have to go looking for potential Code breaches by other tax registered tax practitioners. In circumstances where you become aware of a Code breach and you have reasonable grounds to believe the breach is ‘significant’, you must report the breach to us. A ‘significant breach’ is a breach that constitutes an indictable offence or an offence involving dishonesty under an Australian law, can result in material loss or is otherwise significant (for example, due to the frequency of similar breaches). Refer to our guidance for further information about what a significant breach means. |
| You can remain anonymous and do not need to disclose your personal details when reporting. | ![]()
| You cannot remain anonymous when reporting a breach. However, you can let us know if you have any concerns around confidentiality, including in relation to your personal details. |
| You must report historic breaches that have not been notified before. | ![]()
| You need to report breaches that occurred on or after 1 July 2024. You do not need to report breaches that occurred before 1 July 2024, unless the conduct giving rise to the breach first occurred before 1 July 2024 and is ongoing on or after that date. Refer to our guidance for further information about when these obligations apply. |
| This obligation arises under the Tax Agent Services (Code of Professional Conduct) Determination 2024 (Determination). | ![]() | This obligation arises under sections 30-35 and 30-40 of the Tax Agent Services Act 2009. This obligation is separate to obligations under the Determination to report a false or misleading statement. However, in some circumstances, a false or misleading statement may give rise to a significant Code breach, particularly if it resulted due to recklessness, failure to take reasonable care or intentional disregard of tax laws. In these circumstances, a false or misleading statement must be reported under breach reporting obligations also. |
| Breach reporting includes reporting about clients who fail to correct a false or misleading statement made to the Tax Practitioners Board or Australian Taxation Office. | ![]()
| Breach reporting only applies to conduct of registered tax practitioners. (Note: For information about reporting a false or misleading statement made on behalf of a client, see our website guidance.) |
Case studies
The below case studies provide general guidance only. In all cases, consideration will need to be given to the specific facts and circumstances. You can refer to our breach reporting guidance for more case studies.
Tax practitioner acquires new client and reports a significant breach of another tax practitioner from a different firm
Louis is the sole director of a registered tax agent and small accounting firm. He is approached by Betty, a new client who, in their first meeting, expresses her dissatisfaction with the quality of work undertaken by the previous tax agent, John.
In this meeting, Louis probes Betty further and asks her what she was dissatisfied with so he could ensure that he provides a better service for her. Betty mentions to Louis that her last 2 tax returns were amended, and she had shortfall interest charges and general interest charges imposed on each occasion. Louis made further enquiries of her to better understand what triggered the amendments and Betty confirmed that it related to work-related clothing expenses that had been claimed on John’s advice, that she was not entitled to. She provided copies of the amended income tax returns for his perusal. Betty also advised that she has a friend, still a client of John’s, who also had tax returns for previous years amended for the same reason.
In the circumstances, Louis had reasonable grounds to believe that John had breached the Code by not taking reasonable care in ascertaining the client’s state of affairs (Code item 9), not taking reasonable care to ensure that the taxation laws were applied correctly to Betty’s circumstances (Code item 10), and not ensuring that the tax agent service provided was provided competently (Code item 7). In addition, Louis assessed the breaches as ‘otherwise significant’, particularly given the:
- conduct involved more than one breach of the Code
- financial impact the breaches had on his client
- information he had that the claiming of unsubstantiated work-related clothing expenses was not limited to one client
- behaviour appeared to have been ongoing for some time
- increased risk of future Code breaches
- conduct reflected on John’s ability to provide tax agent services competently.
Louis decides to report the breach to the TPB. Louis thinks that John may be a member of an RPA and decides to check the TPB’s register which confirms that he is. Louis visits the relevant RPA’s website, which has a list of members, to double-check, before making a second report to that RPA.
In the circumstances, Louis has made the correct decision and reported the breach. Louis had sufficient information to substantiate his belief that John had breached the Code and that the breach was significant. Louis has also appropriately discharged his responsibilities under the breach reporting obligations by reporting the breach to the RPA.
Tax practitioner, a direct competitor of another practitioner, makes a frivolous and vexatious unsupported claim to the TPB
Tamara is a registered tax agent in a large well-known accounting firm. Max, a registered tax practitioner in another leading accounting firm known to be in direct competition with Tamara’s firm, recently took over one of her clients, actively seeking out the client engagement. Tamara was unhappy to have lost this client as they were a ‘big client’ and she had only recently joined the firm and was keen to make an impression.
Tamara overhears a discussion between colleagues at her firm regarding the client’s change in firms, and the fact that it had come as a surprise to the firm given the rumours that had been circulating that Max had been involved in fraudulent tax claims of substantial monetary value.
Tamara does not make any further enquiries to substantiate the rumours she has overheard. However, she decides to report a significant breach of the Code to the TPB anyway, seeing this as a potential opportunity to ‘get back’ at Max. Although it would be reasonable for Tamara to conclude that a fraudulent claim involving a substantial sum of money would be considered a significant Code breach (despite not having expertise in criminal law), she does not turn her mind to whether it meets the relevant test.
Tamara doesn’t consider the consequences of lodging such a report or the lack of evidence she has to substantiate it, focussing instead on her personal motives.
As the breach relates to the conduct of another registered tax practitioner, Tamara uses the TPB Complaints form to lodge the report. The information accompanying the breach notification provides very little detail about the breach and contains a number of statements that do not appear to be supported.
On receipt of the report, the TPB undertakes a preliminary analysis of it to assess and validate the purported breach and determine whether Tamara has ‘reasonable grounds’ for believing there has been a significant breach of the Code by Max.
The TPB makes initial enquiries with Tamara regarding the background to the purported breach, the circumstances in which she became aware of it and the nature of the relationship between the parties in an attempt to substantiate the claim. It becomes very clear during these communications that she is basing her view solely on the hearsay, speculation or the unsubstantiated opinion of her colleagues. The history to the takeover and competition between the firms may also have a bearing on the credibility of the notification made and increases the potential for it to be vexatious. She did not make any further enquiries to verify or corroborate the rumours she heard, nor did she have any independent evidence.
The TPB also does not have any information to indicate that Max has a history of non-compliance with the TASA, including the Code, or the taxation laws more broadly.
As the breach notification has not been sufficiently supported with appropriate facts and evidence, and the TPB is not satisfied there are reasonable grounds for the belief that there has been a significant breach, the TPB treats the claim as frivolous and vexatious. The TPB decides not to commence a formal investigation regarding Max’s conduct in response to the report.
TPB records show that Tamara recently lodged another breach notification in relation to a purported breach of the Code by a colleague within the same firm. The notification was also treated as frivolous and vexatious due to a lack of appropriate facts and evidence to support it.
Given the circumstances surrounding these breach notifications, and concerns that Tamara may not be acting honestly and with integrity by making these frivolous and vexatious claims, it is likely that the TPB will take steps to investigate Tamara’s conduct.
Further information
• Breach reporting obligations
• TPB(I) 43/2024 Breach reporting under the Tax Agent Services Act 2009