You must apply to renew your registration at least 30 days, but not more than 90 days, before it expires. Once you submit your renewal application, your registration is taken to continue until the application has been decided or the application is withdrawn, whichever occurs first. If approved, your registration will be renewed for a period of at least one year.

If you fail to renew your registration on time and your registration has expired, you cannot provide tax agent or BAS services for a fee or other reward. You will also lose access to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) online services such as Online services for agents.


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You must be a fit and proper person.

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You must satisfy the qualifications and relevant experience requirements.

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You must meet our continuing professional education requirements.

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You must maintain, at the time you apply for renewal of registration, professional indemnity (PI) insurance that meets our requirements.

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Complete an online application form and provide all supporting documents.

Proof of identity checks

If you haven’t already verified your identity with us, you must complete a one-off proof of identity (POI) process when applying to renew your registration. For more information about the POI process, refer to Proof of identity checks for tax practitioners


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Each director and/or partner must be a fit and proper person.

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You must maintain, at the time you apply for renewal of registration, PI insurance that meets our requirements.

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you must show that you have a sufficient number of registered individual tax or BAS agents to provide BAS services to a competent standard and to carry out supervisory arrangements.

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in addition, company BAS agents and companies that are a partner in a partnership BAS agent must not:

  • be under external administration
  • have been convicted of a serious taxation offence or an offence involving fraud or dishonesty during the previous 5 years.

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complete an online application form and provide all supporting documents.


Application fees

You must pay the application fee in full when you apply to renew your registration. 

Payment details, including your reference number are provided in the online application form.

The application fee is subject to a consumer price index adjustment on 1 July each year.

Practitioner types

Fee (not subject to GST)^

Tax agent


BAS agent


Information required to renew your registration checklist

For individual tax practitioners 

For a partnership and company

  • Details of the sufficient number of registered individual tax practitioners.
  • Personal details for all directors and partners who are not registered as individual tax practitioners.
  • Details of any events that may affect your eligibility for registration, including any overdue tax obligations.

Top tips for renewing your registration

Watch our video to learn tips to ensure your registration renewal is a smooth process. The video outlines the renewal requirements and walks you through our renewal form.

After lodging your application

When we receive your application, we will assess to see if your application is complete with all supporting documentation and meets our requirements. We may contact you to provide additional information.

If the application does not meet our requirements or is considered invalid, the application fee will not be refunded, except in circumstances where you withdraw the application within 30 days of lodging it with us and before we make a decision on your application.

We will advise you after the decision is made to either grant or reject your application for renewal of registration. We aim to process complete applications within 30 days of receiving them.

If your application is rejected, we will:

  • advise you of the reasons for our decision and of your appeal rights
  • notify the ATO of our decision.

Last modified: 4 February 2025