You or your company or partnership must be registered with us to provide tax agent services for a fee or other reward.

If your application for registration is approved, your company or partnership will be registered for a period of at least one year.


yes icon

You must be at least 18 years of age to be eligible to apply.

yes icon

You must be a fit and proper person.

yes icon

You must satisfy the qualification and experience requirements. The Tax Agent Services Regulations 2022 (TASR) provide various pathways for you to register as a tax agent.

yes icon

You maintain, or will be able to maintain, professional indemnity insurance that meets our requirements.

yes icon

Complete an online application and provide all supporting documents.


Depending upon your qualifications and experience, you may have a 'condition' imposed on your registration. A condition limits the scope of tax agent, BAS or tax (financial) advice services you can provide or limits your services to a particular area of taxation law.

Learn more about Imposing conditions

Application fee

You must pay the application fee in full when you apply for registration.  

Payment details, including your reference number are provided in the online application form.

The application fee is subject to a consumer price index adjustment on 1 July each year.

Tax agent

Fee (not subject to GST)^


Tax agent

Fee (not subject to GST)^



Before you apply

Prepare supporting documentation

You must provide the below supporting documentation when lodging an application for registration with us.

yes icon

Australian-issued identity documents such as your driver licence, Medicare card or passport, to satisfy your proof of identity (POI).

For further information, refer to Proof of identity checks for tax practitioners 

yes icon

Electronic copies of award certificates, academic transcripts and course outlines, as required, to show you have completed the required qualifications.

Use our online tool to search or self-assess your qualifications, courses or units to see if you meet our registration requirements before lodging an application. If you have already assessed your qualifications using this tool, enter your enquiry number in your new application form to import the details you provided.

yes icon

Statement/s of relevant experience from a supervising tax agent or employer to demonstrate you have the required amount of experience.

yes icon

Details of voting membership for any recognised tax agent association, if applicable.

How to apply

Step 1Create a new My Profile account

My Profile is your online TPB account where you  create a unique Username and Password. 

Once you have created a My Profile account you can apply to register,  maintain your details and renew your registration with us. 

Step 2: Complete online form

Once you have created a new My Profile account, select Start new registration application. Then follow the prompts to complete and submit your application.

If you have all your supporting documentation and are ready to apply, click on the button below to start your application. 

After lodging your application

When we receive your application, we will assess to see if your application is complete with all supporting documentation and meets our requirements. We may contact you to provide additional information.

If the application does not meet our requirements or is considered invalid, the application fee will not be refunded, except in circumstances where you withdraw the application within 30 days of lodging it with us and before we make a decision on your application.

 We will advise you after the decision is made to either grant or reject your application for registration. We aim to process complete applications within 30 days of receiving them.

However, when there is a high volume of applications, it may take up to 60 days for an application to be processed.

If your application is granted:

  • details of your registration will appear on the TPB register
  • you must advise us of how you meet our professional indemnity insurance requirements within 14 days of being notified that you are registered
  • we will notify the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) that you are now registered with us. You can then contact the ATO to arrange access to their online services, such as Online services for agents.

We recommend downloading our handy Tax practitioner checklist which includes a list of steps to complete if your application is granted.  

If your application is rejected, we will:

  • advise you of the reasons for our decision and of your appeal rights
  • notify the ATO of our decision to reject your application.

Learn more about reviewable decisions


yes icon

Each director or individual partner must be at least 18 years of age.

yes icon

Each director or individual partner must be a fit and proper person.

yes icon

The company or partnership must maintain, or be able to maintain once registered, professional indemnity insurance that meets our requirements.

yes icon

The company or partnership must have a sufficient number of registered individual tax agents to provide tax agent services and supervision on behalf of the entity.

yes icon

The company must not be under external administration.

yes icon

The company must not have been convicted of a serious offence involving fraud or dishonesty during the previous 5 years.

yes icon

If there is a company partner in your partnership:

  • each director of the company partner must be at least 18 years of age
  • each director of the company partner must be a fit and proper person
  • the company partner must not be under external administration
  • the company partner must not have been convicted of a serious taxation offence or an offence involving fraud or dishonesty during the previous 5 years.

​​​​Companies and partnerships that provide only tax (financial) advice services

A company or partnership that provides only tax (financial) advice services must, be either:

  1. registered as a tax agent to provide tax (financial) advice services for a fee or other reward; or 
  2. ensure that every individual providing tax (financial) advice services on the entity’s behalf is registered either as a qualified tax relevant provider (QTRP) with Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) or a tax agent with us.

Under the Code of Professional Conduct (Code) in the Tax Agent Services Act 2009 (TASA), you must ensure that services provided by you or on your behalf are provided competently.

You need to maintain adequate supervision and control in your practice to direct, oversee and check the services provided on your behalf.

Learn more about Supervision, competency and quality management

Application fee

You must pay the application fee in full when you apply for registration.

Payment details, including your reference number are provided in the online application form.

The application fee is subject to a consumer price index adjustment on 1 July each year.

Tax agent
Company or partnership

Fee (not subject to GST)^


Tax agent

Fee (not subject to GST)^

Company or partnership



 Before you apply

Prepare supporting documentation

You must provide the below supporting documentation when lodging an application for registration with us.

yes icon

Names and registration numbers of registered individual tax agents to satisfy the requirement to have a sufficient number of registered individuals to provide tax agent services to a competent standard and to carry out supervisory arrangements.

yes icon

Details of all partners and directors (including directors of company partners)

yes icon

Schedule of personal details (SPD) completed for all partners and directors (including directors of company partners) who are not registered individual tax practitioners.

How to apply

Step 1Create a new My Profile account

My Profile is your online TPB account where you create a unique Username and Password. 

Once you have created a My Profile account you can apply to register, maintain your details and renew your registration with us. 

Step 2: Complete online form

Once you have created a new My Profile account, select Start new registration application. Then follow the prompts to complete and submit your application.

If you have all your supporting documentation and are ready to apply, click on the button below to start your application. 


After lodging your application

When we receive your application, we will assess to see if your application is complete with all supporting documentation and meets our requirements. We may contact you to provide additional information.

If the application does not meet our requirements or is considered invalid, the application fee will not be refunded, except in circumstances where you withdraw the application within 30 days of lodging it with us and before we make a decision on your application.

After the decision is made to either grant or reject your application we will advise you of the outcome. We aim to process complete applications within 30 days of receiving them.

However, when there is a high volume of applications, it may take up to 60 days for an application to be processed.

If your application is granted:

  • details of your company or partnership registration will appear on the TPB register
  • you must advise us of how the company or partnership meets our professional indemnity insurance requirements within 14 days of being notified that it is registered
  • we will notify the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and ASIC (if applicable), that your company or partnership is now registered with us. You can then contact the ATO to arrange access to their online services, such as Online services for agents.

If your application is rejected, we will:

  • advise you of the reasons for our decision and of your appeal rights
  • notify the ATO and ASIC (if applicable) of our decision to reject your application.

Learn more about reviewable decisions

Last modified: 4 February 2025