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The Tax Practitioners Board’s (TPB) compliance strategy protects consumers of tax practitioner services and provides strong support for responsible tax practitioners. We take the risk posed by unregistered preparers seriously and are continuing to build focus on these unethical preparers. Our commitment to deterring this conduct ensures these preparers are stopped from acting unlawfully and putting consumers at risk. 

We will continue to investigate these matters and deliver specific and general deterrence. In the highest risk cases, we apply to the Federal Court of Australia for injunctions and civil penalties.

What is an unregistered preparer?

Anyone providing tax agent services or BAS services for a fee or other reward must be registered with us before providing these services. An unregistered preparer offers these services illegally because they are unregistered. They are often unqualified and poorly trained. Many are simply scammers.

By using an unregistered preparer, you are exposing yourself to risk. Unregistered preparers often try to convince potential clients that they can obtain unrealistically large tax refunds. But if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Risks of using an unregistered preparer

  • Using an unregistered preparer can cost clients thousands of dollars in tax bills and penalties.
  • Unregistered preparers will not have appropriate professional indemnity insurance cover to compensate you if you suffer a loss due to any act, error or omission.
  • You are not covered by safe harbour provisions that offer protection against penalties from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) when an unregistered preparer fails to lodge on time or makes a false or misleading statement on your return.
  • Unregistered preparers often ask for your personal myGov password to lodge your returns. If you share this information, you are at risk of identity theft.

How do I make sure my tax practitioner is registered? 

Check the TPB Register or look for the Registered tax practitioner symbol to ensure your tax practitioner is registered.

Our approach to unregistered preparers

Our compliance approach includes:

  • the use of data analytics to conduct risk profiling
  • investigations to authenticate our intelligence
  • compliance actions based on the nature of the misconduct  
  • a targeted approach to dealing with unregistered preparers
  • strong collaboration with co-regulators.

Our success in preventing unregistered preparers

Civil penalties imposed

Fines for unregistered preparers can be steep. The Federal Court has imposed civil penalties on the following entities.

Unregistered preparerCivil penalties imposedDate imposedLink to court decision
Jayden Van Dyke$1,800,00014 August 2024Tax Practitioners Board v Van Dyke
Jessa Van Stroe (also known as Jessa Layola)$230,0006 December 2023Tax Practitioners Board v Van Stroe (No 2)
Nathan Luke Williams$80,0008 February 2023Tax Practitioners Board v Williams
Franibelle Saludo Ordiales$150, 0967 December 2022Tax Practitioners Board v Ordiales
Kent Scott Hacker$106,87518 December 2020Tax Practitioners Board v Hacker
One Stop Global Staffing Pty Ltd$65,625
Naleview Pty Ltd$455,625
Arlene Caolboy$40,00029 October 2020Tax Practitioners Board v Caolboy
Lamede Group Proprietary Limited$77,5002 June 2016Tax Practitioners Board v Lamede Group Proprietary Limited
Lorraine Gale Amede$4,000
HP Kolya Pty Ltd$750,00014 May 2015Tax Practitioners Board v HP Kolya Pty Ltd
Peter Kolya$150,000
Tsu Chien Su$70,00010 July 2014Tax Practitioners Board v Su
Zada Dedic$43,00020 May 2014Tax Practitioners Board v Dedic
Benjamin Charles Hinckfuss$32,00012 November 2013Tax Practitioners Board v Hinckfuss
Mark Anthony Shanahan$30,00019 July 2013Tax Practitioners Board v Shanahan
Isabella Munro$40,00028 November 2012Tax Practitioners Board v Munro
Trevor John Schmierer$40,0006 September 2012Tax Practitioners Board v Schmierer
Malcolm Ernest Campbell$64,50024 August 2012Tax Practitioners Board v Campbell
Avril Hogan$30,00010 May 2012Tax Practitioners Board v Hogan


The Federal Court has stopped the following unregistered preparers from providing tax agent services while unregistered.

Unregistered preparerInjunction 
One Stop Global Staffing Pty Ltd  
Naleview Pty Ltd  
Jayden Van DykePermanent injunction imposed on 14 August 2024 
Interim injunction imposed on 9 August 2023 

Anthony Dean Buckland

Apat Na Seasons Pilipinas Corporation

Interim injunction imposed on 25 July 2023 
Franibelle Saludo OrdialesInterim injunction imposed on 18 July 2022. Permanent injunction imposed on 7 December 2022. 
Jessa Van Stroe (also known as Jessa Layola)Permanent injunction imposed on 3 May 2022 
Nathan Luke WilliamsInterim injunction imposed on 18 June 2021. Injunction again imposed on 8 February 2023 
Kent Scott HackerPermanent injunction imposed on 18 December 2020 
Arlene CaolboyInjunction imposed on 30 October 2020. The injunction ends on 30 October 2023.

Contempt of court

The TPB takes an injunction by the Federal Court very seriously. Where we identify that an unregistered preparer is providing tax agent or BAS services in violation of an injunction, we will bring the contempt to the court’s attention. The Federal Court has imposed penalties for contempt of court on the following entities.

Unregistered preparerContempt penalty
Nathan Luke WilliamsMr Williams was sentenced to a term of imprisonment on 8 February 2023.
Kent Scott Hacker and One Stop Global Staffing Pty LtdMr Hacker was sentenced to a period of imprisonment on 18 December 2020 and again on 10 August 2021. One Stop Global Staffing Pty Ltd was ordered to pay a $15,000 fine on 18 December 2021 and a $5,000 fine on 10 August 2021.

This case demonstrates how we use proactive methods and data-driven technologies to find unregistered preparers – they’re not going undetected.

Ms Jessa Van Stroe (also known as Jessa Layola) was preparing and lodging income tax returns even though she wasn’t a registered tax agent with us. We found evidence from taxpayers that indicated Ms Van Stroe illegally charged clients fees to lodge returns on their behalf. By doing this, she put taxpayers at risk for her own benefit and exposed them to penalties and unpaid taxes which they would be accountable for and must repay.

In August 2021 we applied to the Federal Court for an order against Ms Van Stroe. The Court ordered her to stop preparing and lodging income tax returns and offering these services or she would face fines, imprisonment, and even seizure of property for contempt of court. 

We also contacted thousands of West Australian taxpayers to offer assistance after they used the services of Ms Van Stroe. Clients of unregistered preparers are often vulnerable members of the community, and to best assist them in this case, we worked closely with Curtin University’s Curtin Tax Clinic, who offered free tax advice to people impacted by Ms Van Stroe. 

We also worked closely with the ATO to ensure that anyone who used the services of Ms Van Stroe urgently reviewed their income tax returns and ensured the details provided to the ATO were correct and substantiated. 

If you know anyone engaging in similar behaviours, we encourage you to make a complaint

The TPB has successfully stopped an international entity that was advertising tax agent services in Australia while not a registered tax practitioner. Following a referral, we directed the entity to cease this unlawful conduct and remove all advertising promoting the provision of tax agent services.

Advertisements for the entity appeared on social media, which led to concerns they were either providing tax agent services while unregistered, or that scammers may have been attempting to gain taxpayer information.

Our enquiries confirmed the entity did not have a tax agent registration with the TPB and was not a registered company in Australia. The enquiries also identified that the entity’s website had an international address listed that was linked to another company which advertised tax return digitisation. 

We issued a cease-and-desist letter to the entity. They responded to the letter stating that they were conducting user research in Australia and that the website was not offering any tax practitioner services or receiving payments, but instead served as a research tool. They also advised they had ceased offering their services, had removed the advertising and are committed to ensuring they meet our regulatory standards and would collaborate with Australian authorities.

The swift action taken by the TPB in this case, stopped the unregistered preparer behaviour before it could negatively impact the Australian community. We take the risk posed by unregistered preparers very seriously and are continuing to build focus on these unethical preparers. Our commitment to deterring this conduct ensures these preparers are stopped from acting unlawfully and putting consumers at risk. 

We will continue to investigate these matters and deliver specific and general deterrence. In the highest risk cases, we will apply to the Federal Court of Australia for injunctions and civil penalties.

If you know any entities engaging in similar behaviours, we encourage you to make a complaint

Further information

Extending support to clients impacted by high-risk tax practitioners

Last modified: 18 February 2025