Peter de Cure AM
Peter was first appointed to the Board in July 2017 and reappointed in October 2020. He was appointed as Chair in May 2023 and was Acting Chair immediately prior to his appointment as Chair.
Peter is a professional non-executive director. His experience in tax matters has developed over a 25-year career as a tax partner with KPMG, and as a registered tax agent for 16 years. Peter is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and a Fellow of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand. He is Chairman of the Royal Flying Doctor Service SA & NT, Chairman of Wirra Wirra Vineyards, Chairman of Accord Property Holdings Pty Ltd and the Accord Property Development Fund, a Director of the South Australian Fire & Emergency Commission, Variety the Children’s Charity SA, and advisory board Chairman of Tim Adams Wines.
Peter holds a Bachelor of Economics from the University of Adelaide.

Andrew Conway
Andrew was appointed to the Board in March 2022.
Andrew is Chief Executive Officer and a Fellow of the Institute of Public Accountants (IPA) and has held senior executive positions within the accounting profession for more than 15 years. Prior to working with the IPA, Andrew was an Australian Government Treasury Ministry Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor. He also serves as Adjunct Professor at Deakin University Business School and co-founded the SME (Small-Medium Size Enterprises) Research Centre at Deakin University. Additionally, he serves on the Department of Foreign Affairs Ministerial Advisory Council on Free Trade Agreement Negotiations amongst other representative groups.

Debra Anderson
Debra was appointed to the Board in February 2019.
Debra is a registered tax practitioner with extensive experience as a BAS agent and tax agent. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Public Accountants, a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, and a member of the Tax Institute. She is also a member of ASIC’s Financial Services and Credit Panel. Debra is a director of Anderson Tax & Consulting and specialises in tax and technology for small business. She has a Master of Business Administration and has worked extensively with the Australian Taxation Office on matters relating to tax practitioners and small business.

Kerrie Sadiq
Kerrie was appointed to the Board in October 2023.
Kerrie is a Professor of Taxation at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT). She is an experienced academic of more than 30 years, co-editor of Australian Tax Review, and author of numerous leading tax books and publications. Kerrie is the former Chair of The Tax Institute’s Academic Board and has been a member of committees and boards in academic institutions and professional associations. Kerrie holds a Bachelor of Commerce and a Bachelor of Laws (Hons) from the University of Queensland, a Master of Laws from QUT, and a PhD from Deakin University. She is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, a Chartered Tax Advisor, a Member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, and a Member of CPA Australia.

Phillip Davies
Phillip was appointed to the Board in October 2023.
Phillip is a lawyer with over 40 years experience both in private and public practice. He began his career as a Solicitor, Senior Associate and then Tax Partner at the international law firm King Wood Mallesons. Phillip has been involved in various professional and disciplinary tribunals across a range of professions over the last 20 years. He is currently Deputy Chair of the Conduct Commission for the Financial Advice Association of Australia. Phillip is also currently the National Ombudsman for the toll roads in Australia. He is also a board director on a number of commercial, international and Victorian State Government entities across various sectors.

Simone Carton
Simone was appointed to the Board in October 2023.
Simone is an experienced CEO, lawyer and governance professional. She is currently CEO of the ACT Law Society, the peak body for legal practitioners in the ACT. Simone started her career as a specialist tax lawyer with KPMG Sydney and has since worked in a variety of roles across the private, government and non-profit sectors. She has a background in regulation, with experience in the legal, advertising and communications sectors. She is currently a Director of Asthma Australia and has previously served on a number of boards as both a director and company secretary.

Steven Dobson
Steven was appointed to the Board in March 2022.
Steven is an experienced government board member and Financial Planner. He is the current Chair of Greyhounds WA and a Director with Dobson Financial Planning. Previous governance roles include ten years with the Small Business Development Corporation of WA as Chair and Board Member, Board Member of the Gaming and Wagering Commission of WA, Member of the ASIC Financial Advisers Consultative Panel and other board roles within the not for profit and sporting community. Steven is a former WA Police Officer, holding a Bachelor of Business from RMIT, a Master of Business Administration from Murdoch University and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
CEO Secretary

Michael O’Neill
Michael O’Neill commenced the role of CEO Secretary in August 2018.
A taxation lawyer with extensive public service experience, Michael joined the TPB from the Australian Taxation Office where he was Chief Risk Officer, following senior leadership positions in investigations, advice, litigation and law reform. He also has experience in private practice. Michael holds a Master of Laws from the University of Sydney.
Last modified: 12 February 2025